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精品推荐 —— 雍正元宝当千

发布时间:2024-03-14 19:43   来源:网络    作者:adminf

Recommended products - Yongzheng Yuanbao Dangqian

*本次藏品 雍正元宝当千



Yongzheng Yuanbao was minted in the first year of Yongzheng (1723). It is the third generation of Qing coins after Shunzhi and Kangxi. Yongzheng Yuanbao refers to the circulating currency used during the Yongzheng period. This currency is the third generation of Qing Dynasty currency that succeeded Shunzhi and Kangxi. It is also the smallest among the three generations of currency, and the most simple type of format.

*本次藏品钱币正面                            *本次藏品钱币背面


Recently, our company collected a Yongzheng Yuanbao equivalent to a thousand pieces, with a collection size of 56.4mm in diameter and a weight of 107.8g. Viewed from the front, the four characters "Yongzheng Yuanbao" are written in a font with a certain regular script component. The overall handwriting is standardized and delicate, and can be read directly from top to bottom to right to left. It is large in size and thick in texture. The back of the coin is composed of "Dangqian", "Manwen" and "Xingyue". The stars and moon are unusually regular and beautiful, which also means that the stars and the moon shine together. It has extremely high artistic appreciation value and significance. Yongzheng Yuanbao has great historical significance for the standardized development of coins in the entire Qing Dynasty. At the same time, it also established the Qing Dynasty's coin style for more than 180 years. Its collection value is self-evident.


Please contact Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., LTD for information about the above collections.

上一篇:精品推荐 —— 雍正元宝当千
